Another great tip to save time searching for stock photos is to use the Favorites folder on the Depositphotos website. You can like and save your favorite images in it, as in social networks, and then group them into thematic subfolders.

Imagine looking in the library for an image for your current task and suddenly find a stunning photo or series that you would like to use in your next project. If you save the link in your notes or Google Docs, you may lose and never find this image on your computer. If you save it in your Favorites folder, it will be at hand the next time you search for content.
How to save images to Favorites and where to find this folder

By registering and authorizing on the Depositphotos website, you get access to the Favorites folder. It’s at the bottom of the screen. If you haven’t saved anything before, the folder will be empty. To add files to it, just click on the star icon below your chosen photo, vector or video.

All images that you like are saved in the “Favorites” folder. They can be arranged by themes, categories, or in any other way convenient for you. This approach to stock platforms is very useful if you need to select content every day or every week.